Thursday 2 February 2012

survival letter

Kyle Alec
151 westhills drive
Penticton, B.C

Dear captain,

I Kyle Alec believe that you are choosing five students to live, I am dragonborn as you know which means I kill dragons and take there souls to save the world from Aldu’in the world eater.  I travel through the land of Penticton fighting bandits, skeevers, dragons, whiterun guards, and also necromancers. Sometimes I use my powers to Fus Ros Dah which means unrelenting force and essentially is I use my voice to blow people away. Also im something people call a legend at games such as halo 3, Modern Warfare 2, and Skyrim.  People try to play me thinking they are able to step up to my game but as the others that have fallen before them they have the same fate and you cant take me from this world of me owning newbs on Xbox live. I am a very active part of the community I help elderly cross the street sometimes I chew there food for them which helps them a lot due to there old brittle jaws. I have a 6 month old child named deltreace she just learned how to pick up the controller which makes me a very proud father I hope one day I will be able to show my daughter what my father taught me because he was not murdered by his English eleven teacher, please mrs. draude do not murder me and or Dylan we have a good friendship going on here and would be a shame to ruin it my brutally killing us. Would it be the best thing if you even killed one person, no it would not, especially a single father of a 6 month child who helps the elderly and aspects nothing in return except for maybe a taco every now and then. So I beg of you super almighty captain do not kill me, if you don’t I shall make you a taco. That is all.


Tuesday 31 January 2012

About Me

This is Kyle they are dragonborn, now you may not know what that means so this shall be very informative, they are one of the last people to be Dovahkiin wich in dragon language is dragonborn.  they are able to absorb the souls of dragon and there knowlage of Thuu'm which is shout in dragon language, Thuu'ms are special abilities the dragonborn can do to use against other dragons to defeat them. it was told when the sons of skyrim shed there own brothers blood the dragons would return, but there is one they fear in there tongue he is Dovakiin, Dragonborn